United Way of Whatcom County opens doors and removes barriers for our friends and neighbors experiencing financial hardship
We know that financial instability is a complex issue that requires multiple solutions. By uniting a network of local businesses, nonprofits, stakeholders, and generous donors, we help our friends and neighbors who are struggling achieve financial stability and ensure that critical services in our community remain available for years to come!
dollars invested into our community since 2020
local nonprofit agencies/programs currently receiving united way funding
Local children currently receiving books from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
lives being impacted by united way of Whatcom County each year
Equity is the intentional inclusion of everyone in society. Equity is achieved when systemic, institutional, and historical barriers based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and other identities are dismantled and no longer predict socioeconomic, education and health outcomes.

We recognize that structural racism and other forms of oppression have contributed to persistent disparities which United Way seeks to dismantle. Our United Way network strives to engage community members, especially those whose voices have traditionally been marginalized.
We work with individuals, nonprofits, public and private partners to find and support solutions to ensure everyone has the resources, opportunities and networks they need to thrive. At United Way of Whatcom County, we oppose all forms of racism and discrimination and commit to leveraging our assets (convening, strategic investments, awareness building, and advocacy) to create more equitable communities.
Achieving a Dream
Karina dreamed of going to college, but lacked the roadmap to get there. Using United Way-funded services, Karina was able to achieve her dream, setting her on the road for success.
Gifts to United Way of Whatcom County help make stories like this happen every day. Karina’s is one of over 50,000 lives impacted by United Way funded services every year. When you give to United Way, you support over 20 local nonprofit agencies, helping ensure that every person in our community has the opportunity to thrive.
Achieving a Dream
Karina dreamed of going to college, but lacked the roadmap to get there. Using United Way-funded services, Karina was able to achieve her dream, setting her on the road for success.
Gifts to United Way of Whatcom County help make stories like this happen every day. Karina’s is one of over 50,000 lives impacted by United Way funded services every year. When you give to United Way, you support over 20 local nonprofit agencies, helping ensure that every person in our community has the opportunity to thrive.
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United, we ensure that every person in Whatcom County has a roof overhead and food on the table. United, we help our friends and neighbors gain job skills and increase their earning potential. United, we remove barriers to financial stability of every person in our community.
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