Financial Info and Policies

Policy Regarding Designated Gifts

United Way of Whatcom County offers donors the option of designating their contributions to specific agencies, including partner as well as non-partner agencies, and other United Ways. Donor designation is provided by United Way as a service to donors.

The following guidelines apply to all designated gifts:

  • There is a minimum designation amount of $100.00 per agency. Designated gifts less than $100.00 will be directed to United Way of Whatcom County’s Community Impact Fund.
  • A designated agency must be a non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Agency must be in good standing with the IRS.
  • Agency must be in compliance with the USA Patriot Act and complete and return all required paperwork in order to receive payment. If the required paperwork is not submitted, designated dollars will be directed to the Community Impact Fund.
  • All agencies receiving designated gifts will share in United Way of Whatcom County’s fundraising and administrative costs. A 12% fee will be assessed as that share. This fee is revisited annually and may change year over year.
  • There will be no administrative fees on donations designated to other United Ways in Washington state.
  • Designated gifts are paid out periodically throughout the year as dollars are pledged and collected.
  • United Way of Whatcom County does not share donor information with designated agencies unless requested by the donor.

Whistleblower Policy

United Way of Whatcom County Confidential Reporting of Financial Impropriety or Misuse of the Organization’s Resources Policy (Whistleblower Policy)

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Confidential Reporting of Financial Impropriety or Misuse of the Organization’s Resources Policy is to afford all employees, volunteers, and any other person affliated with United Way of Whatcom County (hereafter United Way), the opporunity to confidentially report known or suspected financial improprieties or misuse of United Way resources without fear of retaliation.


Reporting Known of Suspected Financial Improprieties

Reports of known or suspected financial improprieties on the part of an employee or a volunteer or any other person affliated with United Way should be made to the Treasurer, who is Chair of the Finance Committee. The report should be written and made as soon as possible after the events that gave rise to the report. The resport should set forth in detail the basis for the individual’s concern of financial impropriety or misuse of resources. The Treasurer shall date and log all written reports of known or suspectd finanical improprieties or misuse or resources. He/She will also acknowledge receeipt of the report and confirm to the “complainant” the matter is under review.

The Treasurer and President/CEO will conduct a preliminary review of the reported situation and determine the appropriate course of action. If the President/CEO or Treasurer is named in the report, the Chair of the Board of Directors will perform all duties the President/CEO or Treasuer would otherwise have performed in a review and investigation of finanical impropriety or misuse of resources. If the Treasurer and President/CEO determine a formal investigation should be conducted, the matter will be turned over to the United Way Executive Committee.

If the Treasuer and President/CEO determin that a formal investigation is not necessary, the complainant may report their suspecision to the Chair of the Board. The Board Chair will then determine if further action is necessary.


The Treasurer and his/her designee (usually the President/CEO, if the President/CEO is not named in the report), will investigate the matter, meeting separately with all individuals named in the report, and with other who may have knowledge of the facts set forth in the report. United Way will treat all financial impropriety reports, the soruces of such reports and their investigation confidentially, recognizing, however, that in the course of investigating and resolving these matters some dissemination of information to others may be necessary and/or appropriate, particularly if lega action ensues.

One completion of the investigation, the Treasurer will report his/her findings and conclusions to the President/CEO and Executive Committee. Based upon the report by the Treasurer, the Executive Committee will determin if, and in what form and manner, additional action will be taken. As appropriate and as determined by the President/CEO and the Executive Committee, a full report of the incident will be made to the Board of Directors at the next scheduled meeting.

“Appeal” Review

Depending on the circumstances and at the discretion of the Executive Committee, persons in the report and investigation of financial impropriety or misuse of resources may be given the opporunity to meet with the Executive Committee for further review and discussion of the matter. The involved party(s) must submit a written request for a review of the matter by the Executive Commitee. On completion of the “appeal” review, the person(s) will receive an oral explaination of the conclusions reached and reasons for those conclusions. Decisions resulting from the “appeal” reviews by the Executive Committee will be final.


If an individual filed a financial impropriety report in good faith, the individual will not be disciplined or otherwise penalized because of the report, regardless of whether or not the report is sustained. If it apperas that a financial impropriety report was not filed in good faith, and the report did no name the President/CEO, disciplinary action may be taken as determined by the President/CEO and/or the Executive Committee. If the report was not filed in good faith and the report named the President/CEO, disciplinary action may be taken as determined by the Executive Committee.

Contact Information

The phone number of the Treasurer will be available upon request.

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