United with Our Community, for Our Community

Here’s how it works: You donate to United Way of Whatcom County. We carefully vet nonprofits and allocate funds. Those nonprofits serve people in need.


Our community rallies

In Whatcom County, 38% of our community struggles to make ends meet.

At United Way, we want to change that.

Each year, thousands of caring and community-minded people across Whatcom County donate to United Way with the goal of building a brighter future for all. All of these dollars pool together to form our Community Impact Fund.



Our committee meets & reviews.

After generous donations are sent to us, we convene a panel of community volunteers to help decide where those funds should go. These decisions are extremely difficult, as there are always more grant requests than dollars to give. Grants are given to organizations that align with our mission of financial stability. Organizations who apply for funding must be providing services to meet basic needs, improve economic mobility, and break the cycle of poverty in our community. Currently, we fund over 20 local nonprofits.



The money is sent out to nonprofits.

Grants are distributed to hardworking nonprofits providing a variety of services. Funded programs are held accountable for the work they do, providing information on program impact and outcomes regularly.

Throughout the year, we meet with our partner agencies, offering additional opportunities for collaboration, idea-sharing, and resources to help them better serve the community.




Those in need get services.

People from all walks of life can find themselves needing help (and hope) when they least expect it. Maybe it’s a friend, a neighbor, or a family member. Maybe its you.

Regardless of the circumstances, we want to make sure every person in our community has the tools and resources they need to get to a better place.

Every year, over 50,000 people benefit from United Way funded programs in Whatcom County. It takes all of us working together to solve the issues our community faces. By uniting resources, donors, partners, sponsors, and community advocates we ensure that these critical services continue to be available for all who need them.